
Weekly Reflection

Weekly Round Up

Greetings from not-so-sunny Cornwall!  I’m writing this update from an Airbnb, enjoying a long weekend getaway.  It’s a perfect time to reflect on the busy week we’ve had.  Here’s what our team has been up to:

  • We continued developing our ISO integrated management system in preparation for the pre-audit in June.
  • Held a team training day focused on site inspections.
  • Conducted several compliance inspections.
  • Investigated a minor accident.
  • Visited a site to inspect the contractor’s progress on the garage redevelopment works.
  • Assisted a client with business development strategies.
  • Colin successfully conducted his first one-day in-house training session.

And yes, one of us is enjoying the fresh air of Cornwall!

It has been a productive week with significant achievements.

What Have We Learned?

We’ve learned that nothing is gained by standing still. To continually strive to better ourselves and meet our clients’ needs, we must keep moving forward each day.

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